Passive voice exercises


1. Κατασκευάζονται εδώ.

They are made here

2. Επισκευάστηκε πολύ γρηγορα

3. Θα χτιστεί κοντά στην λίμνη

4. Έχει ήδη ταχυδρομηθει.

5. Χρησιμοποιούνται όλη την ώρα 

6. Το γράμμα είχε ήδη σταλεί 

7. Θα έχει δημοσιευθεί μεχρι τότε

Active to Passive voice:

1. Mr. Hill is arranging the meeting

The meeting is being arranged by Mr. Hill

2. They are cleaning the carpets

3. They are washing the car

4. She was watering the plants

5. Someone was preparing lunch

Modals and similar expressions 

1. They should keep the meat in the fridge

Meat should be kept in the fridge

2. They had to sell their house

3. They ar going to divide it in half

4. Grandpa must have watrd the plants

5. They ought to replace the broken vase

6. The cat may have eaten the fish

Negative and interrogative 

1. Do they use it any longer?

Is it used any longer?

2. They don't make shoes here

3. Didn't they paint the hous last year?

4. They didn't finish the work on time

5. Did they mend the roof?

6. Do they make chairs by hand nowadays?

7. Didn't they grade the exams last week?

8. Don't they collect the rubbish every day?


1. When did they find the child?

When was the child found?

2. Why must thy divide it in half?

3. Where have they taken him?

4. How will he make it?

5. Why did they demolish the house

6. When must we write the report?

7. Where did she move?


1. They couldn't do anything about it.

Nothing could be done about it

2. They couldn't even speak about it

3. They can't find anything

4. They didn't say anything about the scandal

5. No one saw him

6. They didn't ever ask him about his past

7. Nobody saw him after that

8. They didn't invite anyone 


1. Don't tell anybody

Nobody must/should be told

2. Don't leave milk in the sun

3. Tidy your room at once!

4. Don't lave it there!

5. Turn off the radio immediately!

6. Don't touch those boxes!
